Does art inspires science or science inspire art?
There are tangible benefits to the collaboration of the art and sciences. Art inspires science. This has been shown countless times with examples of science and fiction combining to develop concepts that foster ideas and grow the imagination. From Shelly’s Frankenstein to Abraham’s Star Trek.
Science on the other hand builds the tools, methods and media that are in turn used by the artist, be that photography, film or virtual reality. The knowledge that is created in the scientific process is intrinsically linked to the art that uses it, which in its own turn inspires the science.
However, art and science have more in common than this. What has surprised me most is the similarities between the scientific method and the artistic process.
We know that art is subjective and the sciences objective. But from my time working with artists it has shown me that the foundation of art is based on the same principles that are used in the scientific method: A hypothesis that leads to a period of learning and experimentation, the results of which are analysed and conclusions drawn. This is the scientific method but these are also the principles used by the artist to develop their art. The artist then adds another layer to this process - one of reflection of the personal interpretation.
The consequence is that the artistic process blends the scientific method with a personal, and sometimes emotional, interpretation of the world, as seen through the artist’s eyes. What is portrayed is a piece of art that combines the analytical with the humanity, awe and wonder where it is captured and displayed.
Science shouldn’t pass comment but objectively describe the world, however art should. It is this complementarity that give art science collaboration such power and enable the artist to learn from the science and the science to learn from the art.